Conservation Conversation: December 18, 2020, December 18, 2020

DOCKUM PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM -- Are you interested in exploring the Dockum Aquifer in your area? If so, HPWD has a partnership program! We want to partner with landowners across the district on new well projects to learn more about this groundwater resource. CLICK HERE for more information.
FIELD STAFF RECOGNIZED - Each year, HPWD field staff are recognized for efforts to obtain high-accuracy Global Positioning System (GPS) readings of well site locations within the District. During 2020, approximately 3,558 readings were obtained. Of these, Vance Porter took 1,330 readings, Andres Villarreal took 834 readings, and Ray Eads took 566 readings. In addition, field staff were also honored for their efforts in obtaining 2,638 water level measurements in 2020. Top honors went to Billy Barron for 590 measurements, Mark Hamilton for 512 measurements, and Ray Eads for 422 measurements.
FLOOD INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING – The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approved $6,448,363 in financial assistance for the first-ever projects funded by the Flood Infrastructure Fund. CLICK HERE for more information.
HONORED – HPWD General Counsel Victoria Whitehead was honored by the American Agricultural Law Association at their recent annual educational symposium in Kansas City, Missouri. Whitehead and Jason Hill were recognized for excellence in scholarly writing for “Decoding Water Law: Ten Areas of Texas Water Law Every Ag Lawyer Should Know.” Congratulations Victoria!
LEGISLATION -- More than 900 bills have been pre-filed in the House of Representatives and Senate prior to the start of the 87th Texas Legislature. Lawmakers convene at noon on Jan. 12, 2021 and the last day of the 140-day regular session is May 31, 2021.
RETIREMENT – Carmen Cernosek is retiring as Director of Governmental Relations/Senior Advisor for the Texas Water Development Board in Austin. She joined the TWDB in 2015. We wish Carmen all the best!
WATER LEADERS - HPWD Education and Outreach Coordinator Katherine Drury is among the inaugural graduates of the Texas Water Leaders Program. The program, sponsored by the Texas Water Foundation, is part of the Carole Baker Water Leader Institute. It provides emerging water leaders the opportunity to develop various skills in preparation for future leadership positions. Congratulations Katherine!
WCAC PROGRESS REPORT - A 2020 progress report on water conservation efforts in Texas was submitted to state leaders by the Water Conservation Advisory Council (WCAC). Submission of the report is required on Dec. 1 of each even numbered year. CLICK HERE for the full report.