Cross Section At 65: District Checking On Well Locations, August 14, 2019

In accordance with the program that was started during the summer of 1953, progress is being made again this summer in checking the actual locations of wells that have been drilled within the District.
Mr. Raymond Harrell and Mr. Allen Owen have been working throughout a large part of the District for about six weeks. The results of their work are reviewed in the District Office each Monday morning. Although a few apparent violations have been found it is indeed gratifying to know that nearly all persons who have obtained permits and have drilled wells have complied with the spacing regulations.
Again we urge every person who wants a well to select the well site, to measure the distances from his two nearest property lines or quarter section lines, and the distances from the three (3) nearest wells within half a mile of the well site, and then to furnish the measurements to his County Committee at the time of making application for a permit. If the distances meet the requirements of the published rules of the District, he should have no difficulty in obtaining the necessary permit to drill.