Dockum Aquifer Partnership Program Wells Are Being Drilled In Parmer County, March 31, 2021
A pair of Dockum Aquifer test wells are being drilled in Parmer County during late March and early April. Partial funding for the projects is provided through the High Plains Water District’s (HPWD) Dockum Aquifer Partnership Program.

In September 2020, the HPWD Board of Directors approved up to $18,000 to Lincoln Devault to drill a 1,600-foot-deep test well at a site northwest of Bovina. He is looking for an alternative water supply for irrigation and livestock use.
In March 2021, the Board approved up to $30,000 to the City of Farwell to drill a 1,680-foot-deep test well at the City’s well field southeast of town. The City of Farwell is paying $10,000 for the project. They are drilling the well to see if the site can provide supplemental water for municipal use.
Both well sites are in an area where there is little information about the Dockum Aquifer. These areas are in the proximity of the area where water quality begins to degrade due to increased Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Data from these two test wells will be helpful as HPWD continues to learn more about this alternative groundwater supply.