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Dockum Aquifer study results discussed, December 17, 2019

Findings from the Summer 2019 High Plains Water District (HPWD) Dockum Aquifer study were presented at a Dec. 5 public meeting at West Texas A&M University in Canyon.
Since 2015, HPWD has studied groundwater quality and quantity in the Dockum Aquifer which lies beneath the Ogallala Formation in the Panhandle-South Plains area.
The HPWD study includes geophysical logging of Dockum wells, establishment of a Dockum water level observation well network, use of pressure transducers to monitor depth-to-water levels in select Dockum wells, and providing cost-share assistance to communities wanting to drill test wells into the Dockum Aquifer. 
HPWD has partnered with the Cities of Abernathy, Lubbock, and Wolfforth on test well projects.

As water levels in the Ogallala Aquifer decline, many landowners have expressed interest in using the Dockum Aquifer as a possible alternative water supply.
“We believe it is the Water District’s obligation to assist communities in their efforts to learn more about the Dockum Aquifer.  During the past few years, we have obtained valuable data from this study. The Board wants to share this information with the public whenever possible,” said HPWD Board President Lynn Tate of Amarillo.  
The PowerPoint presentation used at the meeting is available online at --> Dockum Aquifer Quick Facts.

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