Understanding The "Legend" Feature, February 04, 2022
EDITOR’S NOTE – This is the third in a series of four articles explaining the latest updates to the HPWD interactive map (map.hpwd.org) – CEM.
By Jason Coleman, P.E., General Manager
One of the helpful features on any map is its legend.
A map legend helps explain the symbols and markers that are currently displayed. When the user clicks on the “Legend” feature, the current map features and their marker symbols are displayed.
As the user selects different “Wells” or “Layers”, an explanation of those wells and layers will also change in the legend.
In this screen shot, we include an active legend with several water wells in the screen view.
In this view, well 96898 shows to be “In Progress”, with no attached forms at the time. This purple marker is an indicator that a water well permit application has been established at the respective location, but the well and its forms are not yet complete.
Another well shown in this example is 20353. Its green marker indicates it is currently permitted, and has attached forms.
A second example we will review is one where the “Daily Water Levels” layer is active.
In this instance, there is a green marker for well 8555. The legend indicates it has water levels that are updated daily. This means that the well is not only equipped with a water level transducer, but also has telemetry equipment installed, which transfers the data to our web map automatically.
The other symbols shown in the legend are “Historical” and “Physical Download”.
The historical designation occurs where HPWD no longer has a transducer installed, but the legacy or historical data is still available. For wells that are not equipped with telemetry, we must visit the well site and actually download the stored data. These sites should be updated every month or so.
The wording we included for the legend is meant to be self-explanatory. However, if you ever have questions, please contact HPWD staff. We are pleased to answer any questions and help users navigate and understand the functionality of the interactive map.
Our final article will address the well spacing guide, and provide instructions on its use.